Content: text (0 symbol)
Available: 0

Positive responses: 17
Negative responses: 3

Sold: 100
Refunds: 6

You are buying a gift card issued in the USA. These are non-reloadable cards that should be used to buy from on-line stores who use USA based merchant accounts. These cards will NOT work on foreign merchant account. US Only! Do not buy it if you want to use it to pay your phone bill in Poland, Thailand or any other country besides USA. These cards are designed for US merchants.
They are not “anonymous” and should not be used for illegal activities such as
VPN purchase or set up
Used to dig up someone else’s persona data
Register sites or entities in someone elses name
Any kind of illegal activity like hacking, cracking etc.
All information will be passed to authorities on their request. Your IP and email is recorded and every transaction as well.
Residents of following countries are prohibited from buying this merchandise: Vietnam, China, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh,. There will be no refunds issued.
REFUNDS: Will be issued ONLY if there is something wrong with card number or amount loaded. Things like “didn’t work in Mexico”, “I thought I can buy ..”, “I just wanted to try”, “didn’t work”.. No, No, No.. Those are NOT reasons for refund. Do not threaten me, curse at me or cast voodoo spells. It will not work.
Special Notice about “I bought somewhere else and it worked”: You are buying HERE not “from other”. If things were so great with the “Other store” please DO NOT buy here and rush over there. Buy it from them, I highly encourage you.
PAYPAL: Any cards of $20 and above will work with Paypal. Other cards will not. This card IN NOT FOR PAYPAL !!!
BY clicking “BUY” button, you agree with these rules. More MUST BEFORE BUYING information should be read HERE (About billing address, problems with card, sites that do not take cards and such) -
Contacts: Email ONLY. No Instagram, telegram, skype, phone. Email ONLY please.
All questions can be posted on our website or via e-mail.
In case of problems, please contact us via e-mail !!! Include site URL where you having problems, screen print of error message and screen print of how you fill out address fields.
Card balance can be found on the "Contact" page of our website.
These cards are not for
Kids with PSN problems address your questions here:
This card is not for PSN, so buy at your own risk.
Другие номиналы карт :

$0.10 -

$0.50 -

$1.00 -

$2.00 -

$5.00 -

$10.00 -

$15.00 -

$20.00 -

$25.00 -

$30.00 -

$40.00 -

$50.00 -

$75.00 -

$100.00 -

$125.00 -

$150.00 -

$200.00 -
01.02.2024 0:39:59
Продавец очень добр и вежлив.Рекомендую к покупке.
31.10.2022 17:11:40
Продавец очень выручил! Рекомендую!
06.05.2022 16:39:47
Всё хорошо работает, была небольшая ошибка, но она была исправлена
06.05.2022 16:23:16
Работает, но почему-то около 1$ с 15$ потерялись
22.09.2021 11:02:24
После использования $10 USD еще 5 ушло в неизвестном направлении.
10.04.2020 5:34:41
Все отлично, при проблемах с картами и грамотном описании с вашей стороны, будет замена, пишите больше деталей отмены платежей
12.01.2020 22:54:36
Все ок оплата 14.99 $ с 15 $ карты прошла без проблем
29.11.2018 20:20:04
Все отлично, пополнил баланс у мобильного оператора в США.
Отдельное спасибо продавцу за оказанную помощь с оплатой.
07.04.2018 20:03:52
Карта не работает. При выполнении всех условий, указанных в описании к товару (американский IP адрес, американские мерчанты на сайтах где происходит оплата, мерчанты не запрашивают биллинг адрес), платеж не проходит на нескольких сайтах. С ошибкой Do not honor, характерной для заблокированных банком карт.
01.03.2018 15:26:28