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Test assignment on the subject "The budget system of the Russian Federation"

The budget system test


Test 1. subject to the legislation activities of public authorities for the development, review, approval and execution of budgets of all levels:

1. fiscal policy;

2. The budget process;

3. The budget message;

4. budgetary regulation.

Test 2. Which of these functions is inherent and Budget and Finance

1. stimulating;

2. Social;

3. Fiscal;

4. Distribution.

Test 3. From which links the budget system is a federal state:

1. regional and local budgets;

2. Federal, regional and local budgets;

3. State and local budgets;

4. State budget.

Guest 4. Select the form of government that exists in modern states:

1. The federal state;

2. The union of independent states;

3. The unitary state;

4. feudal state.

Test 5. What level do not exist in the budgetary system of the Russian Federation:

1. the federal budget;

2. The territorial budget;

3. The budget of subjects of the Russian Federation;

4. The local budget.

Test 6. Which of the following is not the level of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation:

1. the federal budget;

2. The consolidated budget;

3. The budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

4. local budgets.

7. The test is not a function of the budget:

1. Distribution;

2. Control;

3. regulating;

4. Economic.

Test 8. The main directions of financial and budgetary policy designed to:

1. 1 year;

2. 2 years;

3 to 5 years;

4. 10 years.

Test 9. The bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation does not have the right under the decision of tax:

1. to establish tax incentives;

2. to establish deadlines for the payment of taxes;

3. to increase tax rates;

4. install the reporting forms.

10. Test the Budget Law for the next fiscal year, shall take effect:

1. from the date of signing by the President;

2. from the date of approval of the Federal Assembly;

3. the date of publication;

Test 1. subject to the legislation activities of public authorities for the development, review, approval and execution of budgets of all levels:

1. fiscal policy;

2. The budget process;

3. The budget message;

4. budgetary regulation.

Test 2. Which of these functions is inherent and Budget and Finance

1. stimulating;

2. Social;

3. Fiscal;

4. Distribution.

Test 3. From which links the budget system is a federal state:

1. regional and local budgets;

2. Federal, regional and local budgets;

3. State and local budgets;

4. State budget.

Test 4. Select the form of government, susche¬stvuyuschih in modern states:

1. The federal state;

2. The union of independent states;

3. The unitary state;

4. feudal state.

Test 5. What level do not exist in the budgetary system of the Russian Federation:

1. the federal budget;

2. The territorial budget;

3. The budget of subjects of the Russian Federation;

4. The local budget.

Test 6. Which of the following is not the level of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation:

1. the federal budget;

2. The consolidated budget;

3. The budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

4. local budgets.

7. The test is not a function of the budget:

1. Distribution;

2. Control;

3. regulating;

4. Economic.

Test 8. The main directions of financial and budgetary po¬litiki designed to:

1. 1 year;

2. 2 years;

3 to 5 years;

4. 10 years.

Test 9. The bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation does not have the right under the decision of tax:

1. to establish tax incentives;

2. to establish deadlines for the payment of taxes;

3. to increase tax rates;

4. install the reporting forms.

10. Test the Budget Law for the next fiscal year, shall take effect:

1. from the date of signing by the Preside
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