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Task 1.

1. A special part of criminal law - is:

a) the set of criminal law, ustanavli¬vayuschih principles and general provisions of criminal law relating to criminal law, crime, punishment and dismissal of criminal responsibility and punishment;

b) a set of criminal law, and legal terms ustanavli¬vayuschih signs of socially dangerous acts that are crimes, as well as specific penalties imposed for their commission;

c) an integral part of the legal system is a system established by the state standards that oprede¬lyayut range of acts recognized as crimes, the type and amount of punishment for these acts, as well as rules and conditions pri¬meneniya sentencing;

d) all answers are correct.

2. The value of the Special Part of the Criminal Law:

a) contains an exhaustive list of acts that constitute crimes;

b) contains a definition of the concepts and institutions ugolov¬nogo law;

c) it contains the basic objectives and principles of criminal law;

g) contains the base release the person from criminal responsibility and punishment.

3. Under the criminalization of the criminal law policy sle¬duet understand:

a) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of is¬klyucheniya by individual offenses ceased to be socially dangerous;

b) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of it by vve¬deniya new offenses as a result of new vy¬yavleniya socially dangerous forms of individual behavior;

c) the process of changing the basic objectives and principles ugo¬lovnogo law.

4. The system of the Special Part of the Criminal law - is:

a) scientifically based layout rules oprede¬lyayuschih responsible for certain crimes on certain groups, depending on the generality of the generic object, as well as relative to each other within each group;

b) the location of the scientifically based standards oprede¬lyayuschih principles and general provisions of criminal law relating to criminal law, crime and nakaza¬niyu;

c) science-based layout rules oprede¬lyayuschih sequence of kinds of criminal posyaga¬telstv from most dangerous to least dangerous.

5. Under the decriminalization of the criminal law policy should be understood:

a) The process of changing the rules of the Special Part of is¬klyucheniya by individual offenses ceased to be socially dangerous;

b) The process of changing the basic objectives and principles ugo¬lovnogo law;

c) the process of changing the rules of the Special Part of it by vve¬deniya new offenses as a result of new vy¬yavleniya socially dangerous forms of individual behavior.

Task 2.

1. Subject of the Special Part of the science of criminal law ob¬razuet:

a) criminal law on liability for ot¬delnye crimes;

b) the practice of criminal law;

c) recommendations on the improvement of existing laws and improve their application;

d) all answers are correct.

2. Qualification of crimes - is:

a) classification of a phenomenon in its qualitative characteristics to any category, type and category;

b) the establishment of a causal link between the act and sover¬shennym socially dangerous po¬sledstvy;

c) the establishment of acts soot¬vetstvuyuschego signs of a crime;

g) the application of penalties to the person who has committed an act which constitutes a criminal law as a crime.

3. The legal basis is the qualification of crimes:

a) the offense;

b) the offense;

c) socially dangerous act;

g) the composition of the offense;

d) the criminal conduct of a person.

4. Types of qualification of crimes:

a) mixed and separate;

b) The restrictive and expansive;

c) the official (legal) and informal (doctrinal);

g) systematic and codification.

5. Official qualification of crimes - a criminal-legal assessment of the events produced:

a) individuals having no legal zna¬cheniya;

b) specially authorized bodies and persons in a particular criminal case;

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