Situation 1
The examination of handwriting, is particularly prevalent in France, is a kind of variety testing, requiring a much lower cost. This method is based on the theory that a person's handwriting is sufficiently objective reflection of his personality, by analyzing the handwriting can appreciate the different characteristics of a person, including the ability to perform certain business functions.
You are the manager of the Human Resources and conduct initial screening of staff in an advertising agency, using the expertise of the handwriting. To you came to 3 candidates for the vacant post.
Task: Analyze their handwriting on the submitted samples and evaluate the nature of the proposed candidates for the factors below, which in each of the seven sections, select one indicator. Count the number of points. In view of points, and the following additional data to select one of the three candidates justify their choice.
Situation 2
Imagine that you - HR manager of a large firm (name, type of activity of the company to choose yourself) - you need to hire an employee in the analytical department of marketing services. Your task - to search for candidates for the post on a competitive basis.
Task: Think and plan your activities for the preparation and conduct of the competition specify the purpose, methods and ways of competitive recruitement, a draft order to conduct a competitive selection for a vacant post; select the most effective methods and techniques of competitive recruitement, evaluation criteria of competitive selection of candidates (justify the choice), a list of documents and materials that should present a candidate for the competition when applying for a job.
Situation 3
Petro Shtykov runs a sewing factory for 12 years. After 3 years, he is going to retire. As an experienced leader, he understands that he must prepare in advance and pick his successor. This is all the more important that the garment factory is going through hard times: the production volumes are falling, old equipment needs to be replaced, the high turnover of staff. Petro is considering three possible candidates for his position: Alexander Kalinin, Irina Grigorieva and Igor Arkhipov, but can not make the choice.
Who would you recommend Peter Ivanovich as his successor? Why is that?
Make individual development plans for each of the candidates.
Situation 4
Analyze information on the situation in the bank, and answer the questions.
Alexander Kovalev - Director of H-sky branch of a major Russian commercial bank (commercial banks). The branch is formed on the basis of the local commercial bank, acquired by commercial banks. One of the priorities of Alexander - the creation of the personnel management system. Commercial banks in the country is known as one of the leaders in the use of new methods of human resource management - psychological testing, fees for the knowledge of individual career planning. Working in two weeks on 12 hours a day, Alexander tried, including to study human resource management system, adopted at the branch. As a result, it became clear that the selection of new employees is carried out exclusively through a friend, in the branch had no idea about career planning, appraisal, preparation of reserve managers.
Vocational training was not planned and was organized for the heads of departments as needed. Employees are piecework wages, and administrative staff - salaries and monthly bonuses, is 40% of salary.
Does this situation need to change personnel management system? If so, why?
Have a system of personnel management for the organization (which the basic processes it needs to maintain and build on what principles)?
Offer a program for its implementation m list of specific actions to be taken.
What should be the role and position of the sa
10 decision situations
16.05.2014 7:27:01
Хорошо. Спасибо. Правда, ожидалось более развернутого ответа на задание.