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Uploaded: 27.09.2013

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Task 1

Question 1. Protecting the Muse of history called:


2. Terpsichore

3. Thalia

Question 2. How many major groups of historical sources emit?

1. Three

2. Five

3. Seven

Question 3. What is called historical fact?

1. The actual events of the past

2. the events described in the myths and legends

3. All of the above

Question 4. Historiography deals:

1. The history of historical science

2. The formation and development of the historical science in time

3. All of the above

Question 5: When did Russian chronicles?

1. In the early 10th century.

2. at the end 10.

3. in the middle of the 11th century.

Task 2

Question 1. Who is the author of "The Tale of Bygone Years"?

1. Kirill

2. Methodius

3. Nestor

Question 2. Until what time existed in Russian chronicles?

1 to 15 in.

2. Up to the late 17th - early 18th centuries.

3. before the 19th.

Question 3. To Peter I ordered to make the geographical description of Russia?

1. V. Tatishchev

2. M. Lomonosov

3. Nikolai Karamzin

Question 4: "History of the Russian State" Karamzin consists of:

1. 5 volumes

2. 10 volumes

3. 12 volumes

Question 5: Who believed that "the nature of the West was a mother, for Russia - stepmother?"

1. Solovyov

2. N. Karamzin

3. V. Klyuchevskii

Activity 3

Question 1. When the gradual settlement of the ancient Indo-Europeans?

1 in 2 millennium BC.

2. the turn 4 and 3 millennium BC.

3. at the turn of 5-4 millennium BC.

Question 2. At what time began to form Chernyakhov archaeological culture?

1. 1 in. BC.

2. 2. BC.

3. 3 in. BC.

Question 3. Settling of the Slavs on the European continent took place on:

1. two directions

2. The three areas

3. The five areas

Question 4. Name of the tribes formed by:

1. habitats

2. from the river

3. All of the above

Question 5. In the East European Plain to the 8-9 centuries. It happened:

1. Slavic Union 10

2. 12 Slavic Union

3. 15 Slavic Union

10.12.2014 9:01:18
Спасибо за тесты!
25.02.2014 0:10:08

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