Unlocking the phone Megaphone TP-DS1 is carried out by using a unique IMEI code NCK received specifically for your phone. The customer receives the NCK code corresponding to its IMEI automatically immediately after payment. Answer format contains the following information:
Unlock Code: **********
After I received the unlock code into the phone - he begins to work with SIM cards of any operator.
Supported phones:
Megaphone TP-DS1.
Unlock manual
1. To obtain the unlock code you will be required to inform us IMEI-number of your device and provider id. These data can be found on a sticker under the battery. IMEI phone can also be found by typing it a combination: * # 06 #.
2. Payment of the goods (if you make a payment through an external payment system and after payment you have a button "to go back to the seller," - do not forget to press it), after payment carefully the form that appears, type in IMEI and Provider ID.
3. When sending data you entered - unlock code is displayed in the graph paid goods (if after payment of the goods you have not seen or accidentally missed the form to indicate the IMEI - click on the link in the letter of oplata.info, you will receive immediately after payment).
4. Insert a SIM card from another operator and enter the code to unlock it.
5. Do not forget to leave a review of the acquisition of goods!
You get paid for your PIN immediately after the payment and enter IMEI! to the buyer is carried out automatically, without operator!
*** Notes ***
1. If your phone has exhausted all attempts to enter the unlock code, the means for providing an unlock code is not returned. By purchasing this product, you agree that when inserted sim-card of another operator phone asks for an unlock code (ie, attempts were spent).
2. If you paid for the goods, but it is wrong / incorrect entered your IMEI, contact the operator on the specified coordinates (e-mail, icq), your situation will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Making the payment you agree to the terms of service!
Immediately after payment you will receive a form to fill in the registration data, which will have to fill the following fields:
- E-mail address (email);
- ID provider;
These data will be transferred to the seller to complete the transaction of sale of goods.
08.01.2018 20:05:12
Все отлично,оперативно пришел код, спасибо!
15.03.2017 22:59:37
Спасибо, все как обещали.
11.03.2017 14:23:12
Оперативно: оплатил - ввел - получил код - разблокировал. Спасибо!
01.01.2017 17:44:29
Спасибо,всё получилось! Был один нюанс. Получилось со второй попытки,и на другом телефоне такой же модели. В некотором смысле повезло,что было два телефона. Неоспоримый факт в том,что и оплата услуги, а главное получение кода, происходит очень очень быстро. Если в дальнейшем возникнет подобная необходимость,однозначно буду обращаться только сюда!
20.11.2016 20:23:35
Отличный сервис. Сразу после оплаты получил код и разлочил.
12.08.2016 23:08:56
Спасибо, все прошло удачно и самое главное быстро!
08.05.2016 18:51:16
все норм
10.04.2016 2:36:32
Всё работает как часики.спасибо
04.01.2016 17:21:18
Спасибо! Телефон разблокировался, перевелся с мегафона на теле2, все работает! С оплатой через мегафон не получилось, а через теле2 свободно!
24.11.2015 22:25:40
вообще все прекрасно! все сразу заработало! спасибо!