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100 voprosov.Korotkie answers without "water."

1. The nature of managerial work and the role of the manager in the organization. The requirements for professional competence of managers.

2. Contents of planning as a general management functions. Milestones and planning principles.

3. The main objectives and components of the organization as general management functions.

4. The content of motivation as a general management functions. The main methods of motivation.

5. The contents of control as the general management functions. Types and control tasks.

6. The organization as a socio-economic system. Signs and legitimate organization, functional areas of external and internal environment.

7. The main elements and characteristics of the organization.

8. The principles of management of the modern organizations.

9. The methods and principles of organizational management structure.

10. The mission of the organization. Code of the composition and methods of development.

11. Socio-psychological problems of implementation of management functions.

12. Social and cultural controls the behavior of the individual in the organization.

13. Social and psychological basis of management decisions. Social Responsibility Manager.

14. The collective agreement as an instrument of social and economic regulation of labor relations in the organization.

15. The notion of labor law, its subject matter, principles and functions.

16. The employment contract (contract), its importance for the regulation of labor relations.

17. The State guarantees and compensation in the field of employment.

18. The concept of labor discipline. Legal regulation of internal labor regulations.

19. The rights and obligations of employers in relations with employees. Benefits for employers who create jobs for persons with reduced competitiveness in the labor market.

20. A temporary recruitement and its legal regulation.

21. General characteristics, types and causes of conflict in the organization.

22. Features and methods of prevention of conflicts in the organization.

23. Strategies and methods of conflict management in the organization.

24. The social environment of the organization as an object of management personnel.

25. Social forecasting as a control and the basis for social planning. Methods of social forecasting.

26. Planning for Social Development as the main tool for managing social changes in the organization.

27. The program approach to the management of social development .: principles of program-target approach, the practice of developing targeted social development programs.

28. Domestic and foreign experience in solving social and labor issues.

29. The characteristics of innovation activities (object, process, actors). The main stages of the innovation process and their support.

30. The essence of the content and classification of innovations in personnel work.

31. The state innovation policy: the goals, principles, objectives.

32. Economic and social efficiency innovations in personnel work.

33. The document (office) personnel management system.

34. Working with the personnel documentation at the various fields of activity: industrial, scientific, educational, public service and others.

35. Guidelines for issuing documents for receiving, dismissal, transfer of employees.

36. Regulations on the procedure of employment record books. Rules of filling work books.

37. Work with personnel documents. The concept document. The main stages of processing and movement of personnel documents.

38. The essence of the concept of organizational behavior.

39. Analysis of current organizational behavior management problems.

40. Managing groups of employees in the labor process and group dynamics within the organization.

41. The nature and definition of the concept of leadershi
24.05.2015 23:17:39
Спасибо!!! Всё очень кратко (самая главная информация). Я с маленькими детьми и работой ничего не успеваю! Очень выручили!!!