Content: Ответы по направлению педагогика 2018.rar (507.32 KB)
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The new list of questions with answers. Direction 050100.62 "Teacher Education". Answers to all 3 sections (105 questions). Responses are made using a new literature written concisely, strictly on the subject of the question (without water).SECTION 1. The history of education and pedagogical thought1. The essence of the historical approach in the study of educational phenomena.2. Methods and sources of studying the history of education and educational thought.3. Education and the school in the states of the Ancient East (Egypt, Mesopotamia, state, Jews and others.).4. Education and training in ancient India.5. Education and training in ancient China. Pedagogical ideas of Confucius.6. Features of educational systems of Athens and Sparta.7. Education and pedagogical thought in ancient Rome.8. Trends in Education and the pedagogical thought in medieval Europe.9. Humanistic pedagogical ideas of the Renaissance.10. Pedagogical ideas of the Reformation (Luther, I.Shturm et al.).11. Didactic system JA Comenius.12. Pedagogical concept John Locke.13. Pedagogical views ZH.- Rousseau.14. Pedagogical views IG Pestalozzi.15. A. Distervega pedagogical concept.16. The theory of developmental teaching and educating IF Herbart.17. Directions foreign pedagogy in XX century.18. Education in Russia before the XVII century.19. The development of education in the era of Peter I.20. Pedagogical ideas and activities of the University.21. K. Ushinskiy as the founder of pedagogy in Russia.22. Contribution to the development and pedagogy PFLesgaft VP Vakhterov.23. Pedagogical ideas PF Kapterev.24. Problems of education in the works of Russian philosophers (Vladimir Solovyev, VV Rozanov, Berdyaev).25. The ideas of free education in the writings of Leo Tolstoy and KN Wentzel.26. International School and Pedagogy of the XX century.27. Development of pedagogical ideas in post-revolutionary Russia (1917-1920-ies.).28. Educational activity S.T.Shatskogo, V.N.Soroki-Rosinskaya.29. Teaching experience Makarenko.30. Educational Theory team AS Makarenko.31. The development of the Soviet school and pedagogy in the 20-30 years of the twentieth century.32. VA Sukhomlinsky humanistic pedagogy.33. Formation and development of higher education in the USSR.34. Characteristics of the integration of national systems of education at the present stage.35. Features of reforming the education system in modern Russia.SECTION 2. Theory of education and training1. Subject and tasks of pedagogy and its relationship with other sciences.2. Methodology and methods of science teaching.3. The structure and characteristics of a modern education system in the Russian Federation.4. Targeting in pedagogy.5. The federal state educational standards and educational programs.6. The structure and main characteristics of complete pedagogical process.7. The development strategy of variable education in Russia.8. The essence and characteristic of the process of education.9. The laws and principles of education.10. The objectives and content of education in the modern Russian secondary school.11. Personality as a subject of education.12. Factors of formation and development of personality.13. Teaching methods characteristic of education.14. The relationship of methods and means of education.15. Characteristics of the collective as subject and object of education.16. The object and the subject of the main categories of didactics.17. The essence of the structure and the psychological basis of the learning process.18. The objectives and content of secondary education.19. The laws and principles of teaching.20. Classification and characterization methods.21. Basic theory (the concept of) education, their characteristics.22. Associative reflex theory training.23. The programmed instruction.24. The nature and characteristics of problem-based learning.25. Characteristics of teaching aids.26. active teaching methods. Didactic games.27. Technology education.28. Pedagogy of cooperation.29. Student-oriented
SECTION 3. Social pedagogy1. Social pedagogy as a branch of scientific knowledge and its object, subject, function.2. The relationship of social pedagogy with other branches of pedagogical knowledge.3. Functions of social pedagogy.4. Main categories of social pedagogy.5. Cultural and historical origins of social pedagogy in pre-revolutionary Russia.6. The Soviet system of child welfare. Pedagogy environment.7. The experience of social education of the person in the team (first experimental station of the People´s Commissariat for Public Education ST Shatsky, "The School of Social and individual education named Dostoevsky" (SHKID) V.N.Soroki-Rosinskaya; education colonists Makarenko) .8. The essence of social learning.9. Issues of social education in modern conditions.10. The principles of social pedagogy: prirodosoobraznost, kulturosoobraznogo humanism.11. Socialization as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. Factors and mechanisms of socialization.12. The levels of socialization: identification, individualization, personalization.13. The notions of "normal" and "abnormal" in the social pedagogy. Types of abnormalities.14. The essence of deviant and delinquent behavior of children.15. Manifestations of deviant and delinquent behavior in children and adolescents, ways to prevent them.16. Socio-pedagogical preventive maintenance and rehabilitation of children with behavioral problems.17. Socio-pedagogical victimology.18. Socio-pedagogical activity as a category of social pedagogy.19. The functions of social and educational activities.20. Socio-educational technology.21. Mediation and support in the social and educational activities.22. Government and public institutions of social protection.23. The professional competence of the social teacher, his job description.24. Methods of socio-educational activities.25. The use of persuasion techniques, exercises and correction of social work.26. The use of individual and group therapy in the practice of social work.27. The social functions of the family, motherhood and fatherhood.28. The work of the social teacher and his family.29. The study of social worker family, drawing a "map of the family."30. Forms of social and educational assistance to the family.31. Features of social and pedagogical work with a dysfunctional family, family risk, antisocial family.32. Socio-pedagogical work with children without parents.33. Features of the social teacher in the district.34. Characteristics of the school as a center of educational work in the district.35. Essence, tasks and methods of social and pedagogical research.
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