Content: S19-379.docx (15.04 KB)
Uploaded: 10.01.2020

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In 2000, on the high seas, the Russian merchant ship Captain Pirogov collided with the Crimson merchant ship registered in the UK. Both ships received significant damage. In addition, the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the territorial sea of ​​Great Britain were damaged as a result of oil spills from a Russian vessel.
Which state court is competent to hear the case? On the basis of what legal order should claims for harm to ships and the environment be resolved (Russia and the United Kingdom participate in the International Convention on Civil Liability for Damage from Oil Pollution of 1969)?
After payment you will be available a link to the solution of this problem in the file of MS Word. It should be noted that the problem solutions put up for sale were successfully handed over in the period 2009-2019 and could be outdated. However, the general algorithm will always remain true.
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