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Improvement of the organization´s personnel motivation system (on the example of Zhakard LLC)

AP 63

Introduction 5
1 Theoretical bases of the system of motivation of the organization personnel 8
1.1 Essence and value of personnel motivation system 8
1.2 Methodological aspects of the personnel work motivation system 13
2 Analysis of activity, management system and staff motivation of Zhakard Ltd 25
2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Zhakard LLC 25
2.2 Analysis of the management system and staff motivation of Zhakard LLC 34
2.3 Recommendations on improvement of the management system and motivation of the personnel of Zhakard LLC and assessment of their social and economic efficiency 51
Conclusion 64
List of sources used 66
Annexes 77
The purpose of the research of graduation qualifying work is to assess the quality of motivation of the personnel of Zhakard LLC and to develop recommendations for improving the system of motivation of the personnel of Zhakard LLC.
Based on the purpose of the final qualifying work, the following tasks were put forward:
- to characterize theoretical and practical bases of the personnel motivation system in the organization presented for research;
- to propose own or clarify the existing classifications of rationing and motivation of the personnel of Jacquard LLC;
- to develop recommendations on improvement of the personnel motivation system of Jacard LLC;
- to evaluate the personnel motivation system of Jacard LLC and the effectiveness of the proposed recommendations.
The subject of the research is the personnel motivation system at Zhakard LLC.
The research subject is ways of improving the personnel motivation system at Jacard LLC.
The methodological basis of the research of the graduate qualification work is presented by the method of statistics, deduction and induction, as well as by theoretical analysis of the literature sources on personnel management, methods of economic analysis, comparison and comparison of analytical data in the organization under research.
The information and theoretical basis of the research was formed by textbooks, manuals, publications presented in periodicals, printed and electronic publications, Internet journals, as well as the developments of Russian and foreign scientists, representatives of related sciences, such as: V.V. Arutyunov, I.V. Volkovyskiy, Yu.K. Balashov, O.S. Vihanskiy, A.I. Naumov, etc., as well as official statistical data, information from the Internet, touching upon various aspects of the problem under study.
The practical basis of the research in the final qualifying work is the complex analysis of the assessment of the quality of motivation of the personnel in "Zhakard" LLC and development of recommendations on improvement of the system of motivation of the personnel in "Zhakard" LLC, as a result of conclusions, which will reveal the problems of the existing system of motivation of the personnel.

The staff of Zhakard LLC has an average qualification level, which corresponds to the job instructions of the organization. Staff turnover rates show a slight increase in turnover, the staff turnover rate has slightly decreased, but the decrease is non-critical. The turnover rate for 2017 is 0.15, i.e., the number of hired staff is 15% of the total number of employees. The turnover rate on staff attrition is 0.05, so the number of resignations is 5 % of the total number of employees. The excess of the hiring ratio over the attrition rate indicates that the number of vacant jobs has decreased during 2017. The turnover rate is 0.05 (above 4%). This indicates an unstable and unstable workforce. The staff turnover rate is 095. This is a high indicator that characterizes the degree of stability of the working team.
According to the results of the conducted analysis it was found out that labor productivity of employees decreased by 307,6 thousand rubles or by 6,63 % with simultaneous increase of the number of personnel by 20 employees and growth of the wage fund by 15984 thousand rubles or by 28,0 %.
Thus, in order to improve the management system and motivation of the enterprise, Zhakard LLC was recommended:
1) Develop a regulation on staff motivation. The developed regulation will make it possible to determine the optimal size of the wage fund, which will be 7665.36 thousand rubles per month or 91984.32 thousand rubles per year, which is by 18976.32 thousand rubles or 26% more than the wage fund established for 2017. The Regulation on motivation will increase profits by 6,993 thousand rubles.
2) Introduce additional bonuses. In order to establish a direct connection of the bonus with the efficiency of management and increase its stimulating role, it was recommended to establish indicators of bonuses affecting the final result of production and financial activities of Zhakard LLC: increase in the volume of construction work; increase in labor productivity; increase in net profit; increase in the profitability of production; improve the quality of construction work; reduce costs for construction work; save all kinds of material and human resources, etc. The introduction of additional bonuses will increase profits by 12,984.2 thousand rubles.
Measures to improve the management and motivation system will increase profits from sales by 2,741.3 thousand rubles.
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