✅Warranty 1 Year
✅Access is granted for 1 Year
✅We will provide a new one in case there is a problem with the accounts.
✅Support 24/7
✅ This product is provided to you for rent.
✅Account image:
❗Account information can only be shared between the customer and the seller, this account cannot be sold to anyone else. If we notice this situation, we will cancel the warranty.
📄 Example of the purchased data form:
Like other sellers, we never sell with add-ons, if you buy this product, you will receive an mail/pass.
❗We do not provide access to mail!
❗It is forbidden to change data!
❗If you have problems accessing your account, you will get a replacement.
If you want a 1 Year personal account special for you, check out this ad (An invitation will be sent to your mail!)
✅Unlimited Paraphrasing
✅25000 Summarizer character limit
✅10000 Paraphraser character limit
✅15 Sentences processed at once
✅4 Synonyms options
✅6 Writing modes
✅Unlimited Freeze Words and phrases
✅Google Chrome & Doc Extensions
✅Compare Modes (only on Desktop)
✅See longest unchanged words
❗If you have problems accessing your account, you will get a replacement.
We reward those who leave positive feedback!
✅ Official site -