NAME: Anvil Saga
GENRE: Indie, RPG, Simulation
DEVELOPER: Pirozhok Studio
RELEASE DATE: Nov 16 2023
STEAM activation - activation region GlobaL
The Hundred Years´ War is in full swing, and your goal in life is to revive your father´s forge and turn it into a successful enterprise. Trade with local bandits, merchants, priests and soldiers of England and France. Manage a work team where the craftsmen are more beautiful than the other. Improve your equipment and tools to produce better products. Decorate the forge to attract moneybags. But most importantly, try not to lose your head! Literally.
Build your dream forge
Build new rooms and purchase equipment, expand the forge to fulfill increasingly complex orders. In addition to the usual workshop, living quarters, a library and additional workshops will be added to expand the assortment - and all this needs to be equipped and decorated.
Make decisions and prepare for the consequences
Clients, relationships and every choice you make – everything matters. Earn reputation with conflicting factions, accept their patronage and various bonuses for your growing business. Only you decide what orders to fulfill and with whom to build relationships. But remember: nothing will be left without consequences, and sometimes they can be very unexpected!
Become a famous master
Fulfill orders and increase your prestige to attract rich and famous buyers. Don´t miss out on unique orders: a noble merchant will order a beautiful ring for his daughter, a knight errant will want a flawless blade, and a lonely hunter will want an amazing silver sword.
Build a team of professionals
Manage your workers: each has its own character, skills, needs and salary level. Motivate them to work productively with comfortable conditions and comfortable rooms. Order professional literature to upgrade their skills, and then provide them with tools to match real masters.