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Write a unique 16-digit code to the seller in the “Correspondence with the seller” section or using any of the seller’s contact details, and only then the seller will purchase the Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City game to your account.Example:
Password: test1234🎮 🎮 🎮
Product type: Purchase with your Xbox account 🚀
Activation region: Region Free - everything works in Russia
Gaming platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series
Guarantees: Yes
The version for the "Games on Demand" section supports the following languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Russian.
Operation Raccoon City is a unique three-way shooter set in the world of Resident Evil. Due to the T-virus, almost all residents of Raccoon City died or became zombies. Umbrella doesn´t want its involvement in this to become known. You are a member of the Umbrella Corporation Special Forces (WONA), sent to a dying city so that the truth does not emerge. The city is full of zombies and bio-organic weapons, but there is also a more significant threat. Special forces are hunting you, wanting to capture the evidence that you are trying to destroy.