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🌟 Perfect 🌟
Тип: Ключ активации
Регион активации: ROW
Клиент для игры: Steam
Локализация: EN
Платформа: PC
Год: 2016
Notice: Requires one of the following virtual reality headsets: HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. See the VR Support section for more info. Perfect is virtual reality escapism at its purest. Leave behind the daily grind and slip away to beautiful and relaxing locations, made possible through VR. Visit several stunning and interactive destinations, from sun-drenched beaches and peaceful mountains to the spectacular northern lights. Instantly accessible yet endlessly captivating, Perfect is the ideal companion to show off your HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. Breath-taking sights and simple controls make Perfect an ideal way for family and friends to experience the wonders of virtual reality. Discover three idyllic locations - Tropical Beach, Northern Lights and Mountain Wilderness. Choose different times of day and viewing points to find that perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in natural surroundings and find special moments that will make your visit more memorable. Then settle back, relax and listen to music. ©nDreams. nDreams, the nDreams logo and Perfect are either registered trademarks or trademarks of nDreams Ltd. All rights reserved. Unreal, Unreal Engine, the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere.
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