After payment, you will receive a unique verification code that must be provided to the seller via chat on the purchase page. After that, you need to provide your login and password for your Origin (EA app) account. This can be done through the "My Purchases" section at🔶 After payment, you will receive an EA Play or EA Play Pro subscription, depending on the selected plan
🔷 Important: Your account must not have any links to Microsoft Xbox Live, either past or present
Additional product information:
✅ The subscription is available for playing from Russia
✅ Activation is done by linking our Microsoft Xbox Live account
✅ Available subscription periods: 14 days, 1-3-6-12 months
✅ FC 24 is included in EA Play, FC 25 is only available in EA Play Pro
⚠️ No refunds after purchase! Refunds are only possible in exceptional cases, minus the marketplace and payment system fees.
⚠️ Unlinking the account after activation is prohibited – this will result in the loss of the subscription, and the seller is not responsible for this.
⚠️ The seller is not responsible for any possible bans or restrictions imposed by EA.